Faculty Appointments
Research Assistant Professor of Surgery
Ph.D., Physics , Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TennesseeM.S., Physics , Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TennesseeB.S., Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas
Office Address
Box 1807
6843 Stevenson Center
Nashville, TN Stati-onB
6843 Stevenson Center
Nashville, TN Stati-onB
Research Description
We study the magnetic fields generated by the electrical activity of smooth muscle in the stomach and small bowel, and their potential in developing noninvasive methods to diagnose abnormal gastric and intestinal function.
Research Keywords
Biomagnetic characterization of gastric and intestinal electrical activity
Scholz S, Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, Richards WO. Noninvasive detection of ischemic bowel using a SQUID magnetometer. Proc. 2002 German Natl. Surg. Conf. 2002.
Scholz S, Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, Richards WO. Nichtinvasive Messung von Darmischamie mit dem SQUID magnetometer. Kongress der Deut. Gesell. fur Chir. 2002; (Abstract): Berlin, Germany.
Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, McDowell JG, Richards WO. Noninvasive identification of mechanical uncoupling of gastric smooth muscle using magnetogastrography. Gastro. 2002; 122((3)): A559.
McDowell JG, Myers AG, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Noninvasive detection of mesenteric ischemia using a Superconducting QUantum Interference Device. Gastro. 2002; 122((3)): A436.
Myers AG, McDowell JG, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Simultaneous magnetic identification of human gastrointestinal frequency gradients. Gastro. 2002; 122((3)): A325.
Roy OP, Myers AG, McDowell JG, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Measurement of DC injury currents using the SQUID magnetometer. Gastro. 2002; 122((3)): A438.
Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, Richards WO, Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatiotemporal dipole simulation of biomagnetic fields from gastrointestinal electrical activity. Proceedings of the 24th Annual IEEE EMBS. 2002; 24: CD-ROM.
Myers AG, Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Magnetic vector analysis of gastrointestinal electrical control activity. Proceedings of the 24th Annual IEEE EMBS. 2002; 24: CD-ROM.
Palmer RL, Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, McDowell JG, Richards WO. Use of magnetogastrogram for detecting gastric uncoupling in an animal model. 12th Biennial Meeting of Am. Motil. Soc. 2002; 12.
Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. A dipole simulation of magnetic fields from intestinal electrical control activity. 12th Biennial Meeting of Am. Motil. Soc. 2002; 12.
Buist ML, Cheng LK, Yassi R, Smith NP, Bradshaw LA, Pullan AJ. An anatomically based model of the gastrointestinal tract for magnetic imaging. Proceedings of the 24th Annual IEEE EMBS. 2002; 24.
Bradshaw LA, Wijesinghe RS, and Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatial filtering approach for comparison of the forward and inverse problems of electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2001; 29: 214-26.
Bradshaw LA and Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatial filtering approach for evaluation of the surface Laplacian of electroencephalography and magnetoencephalgraphy. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2001; 29: 202-13.
Bradshaw LA, Richards WO, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Volume conductor effects on the spatial resolution of magnetic fields and electric potentials from gastrointestinal electrical activity. Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput. 2001; 39((1)): 35-43.
Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, and Richards WO. Spatiotemporal biomagnetic characterization of intestinal ischemia. XVIII Intl. Symp. Neurogastr. & Motil. 2001; (Abstract): Madison, WI.
Baffa O, Basile M, Bradshaw A, Forsman M, Nakaya Y, and Richards WO. Biomagnetic research in gastroenterology. In CJ Aine, Y Okada, G Stroink, SJ Swithenby, and CC Woods, Eds. Biomag 96: Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Biomagnetism. 2000; 10.
Bradshaw LA, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Magnetic field measurement of rabbit colonic electrical activity. In: CJ Aine, Y Okada, G Stroink, SJ Swithenby, and CC Wood. Biomag 96: Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Biomagnetism. 2000; II: 608-11.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr. Inverse imaging of distributed oscillatory activity. In: CJ Aine, Y Okada, G Stroink, SJ Swithenby, and CC Wood. Biomag 96: Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Biomagnetism. 2000; II: 635-7.
Staton DJ, Allos SH, Henry VK, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Richards WO, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Noninvasive measurement of the vector magnetic field from human gastrointestinal sources. In: CJ Aine, Y Okada, G Stroink, SJ Swithenby, and CC Wood. Biomag 96: Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Biomagnetism. 2000; II: 635-7.
Bradshaw LA, Redmond A, and Richards WO. Correlation of magnetic and electric detection of gastric electrical activity. Neurogastro. & Motil. 2000; 12((5)): 478.
Bradshaw LA, Redmond A, and Richards WO. Biomagnetic detection of gastric dysrhythmia associated with vagotomy. Neurogastro. & Motil. 2000; 12((5)): 478.
L. Alan Bradshaw, J. K. Ladipo, Daniel J. Staton, John P. Wikswo, Jr., and William O. Richards. The human vector magnetogastrogram and magnetoenterogram. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 1999; 46((8)): 959-70.
Seidel SA, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive detection of ischemic bowel. J. Vasc. Surg. 1999; 30((2)): 309-19.
Seidel SA, Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, and Richards WO. Intestinal tachyarrhythmias during small bowel ischemia. Am. J. Physiol. 1999; 277: G993-G999.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr. Vector or scalar magnetometer arrays?. Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE EMBS. 1999; 21: CD-ROM.
Bradshaw LA, Richards WO, and Wikswo JP, Jr. The gastric magnetic field vector. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 1999; 44((1, Part II)): 1798.
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Richards WO. Characterization of gastric electrical activity using a SQUID magnetometer. Gastro. 1999; 114((4, Part 2)): A963.
Hegde SS, Seidel SA, Bradshaw LA, Halter S, Ladipo JK, and Richards WO. Effects of mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion on small bowel electrical activity. J. Surg. Res. 1998; 74: 86-95.
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Haupt CD, Seidel SA, van Leeuwen P, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive measurement of gastric propagation using a multichannel SQUID magnetometer. Gastro. 1998; 114((4, Part 2)): A727.
Ladipo JK, Bradshaw LA, Hegde SS, Halter S, Seidel SA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive detection of normal and ischemic bowel in vivo using a SQUID. Gastro. 1998; 114((4, Part 2)): A389.
Ladipo JK, Seidel SA, Bradshaw LA, Halter S, Richards WO. Basic electrical rhythm (BER) as a measure of bowel viability during mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion. Gastro. 1998; 114((4, Part 2)): A1403.
Seidel SA, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Vector magnetogastrography: The gastric slow wave vector. Gastro. 1998; 114((4, Part 2)): A836.
Seidel SA, Ladipo JK, Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., Naslund TC, and Richards WO. Noninvasive detection of mesenteric ischemia in free-lying small bowel. Soc. Vasc. Surg. 1998; (Abstract).
Drake WB, Wikswo JP, Jr., Fish FA, Bradshaw LA, Mellon BG. Magnetocardiographic assessment of developmental changes in fetal cardiac intervals. Circulation. 1998; 98((17)).
Richards WO and Bradshaw LA. Detection of intestinal ischemia using SQUID magnetometer. Proc. of the Am. Soc. for Nondestr. Testing. 1998.
Richards WO, Wikswo JP, Jr., Staton D, Golzarian J, Bradshaw LA. Non-invasive identification of intestinal ischemia from measurement of basic electrical rhythm of intestinal smooth muscle electrical activity using a magnetometer. US Patent. 1998; No. 5,771,894: June 30.
Allos SH, Staton DJ, Brasdhaw LA, Halter S, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Superconducting QUantum Interference Device magnetometer for diagnosis of ischemia caused by mesenteric venous thrombosis. World J. Surg. 1997; 21: 173-8.
Bradshaw LA, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Correlation and comparison of magnetic and electric detection of small intestinal electrical activity. Am. J. Physiol. 1997; 272: G1159-G1167.
Bradshaw LA, Wells R, Paul S, Richards WO, and Wikswo, JP, Jr. Noninvasive measurement of gastric propagation using a SQUID magnetometer. Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1997; 19: CD-ROM.
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. The vector magnetic field of the human stomach and small bowel. Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1997; 19: CD-ROM.
Ladipo JK, Bradshaw LA, Hegde SS, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. In vivo detection of normal and pathological bowel electrical activity using a SQUID magnetometer. Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1997; 19: CD-ROM.
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Hegde SS, Just S, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. The vector magnetic field of the human stomach. Gastro. 1997; 112((4)): A704.
Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Richards WO. Effects of mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion on small bowel basic electrical rhythm. Assoc. VA Surgeons 21st Sci. Sympos. 1997; (Abstract).
Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Intestinal tachyarrhythmias during small bowel ischemia. Gastro. 1997; 112((4)): A368.
Ladipo JK, Halter S, Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Histopathologic correlation of intestinal basic electrical rhythm activity during ischemia. Assoc. VA Surgeons 21st Sci. Sympos. 1997; (Abstract).
Ladipo JK, Hegde SS, Halter S, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Correlation between histopathology and intestinal basic electrical rhythm during ischemia. Southern Medical Association. 1997; (Abstract).
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Richards WO, and Wikswo JP, Jr. The magnetic field of gastrointestinal smooth muscle activity. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 1997; 42((9)): 1799.
Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, and Richards WO. Effects of mesenteric ischemia on small bowel basic electrical rhythm. Gastro. 1997; 112((4)): A1447.
Richards WO, Bradshaw LA, Garrard CL, Staton DJ, Golzarian J, Liu F, Buchanan S, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Magnetoenterography (MENG): Non-invasive measurement of bioelectric activity in human small intestine. Dig. Dis. Sci. 1996; 41((12)): 2293-301.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. A 2-D spatio-temporal model for external magnetic fields from gastrointestinal electrical activity. Dig. Dis. Sci. 1996; 41((9)): 1884.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. A comparison of the effects of abdominal layers on external electric potentials and magnetic fields from gastrointestinal sources. Dig. Dis. Sci. 1996; 41((9)): 1884.
Bradshaw LA, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. The effect of abdominal layers on electric and magnetic fields from gastrointestinal electrical activity. Gastro. 1996; 110((4)): A640.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. The effect of abominal layers on electric and magnetic fields from gastrointestinal electrical activity: Computer simulations. Gastro. 1996; 110((4)): A639.
Ladipo JK, Bradshaw LA, Staton DJ, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. First noninvasive measurement of human gastrointestinal electrical sources using a vector SQUID magnetometer. Gastro. 1996; 110((4)): A641.
Bradshaw LA. Sources of gastrointestinal biomagnetic fields: a modeling perspective. 10th Intl. Biomag. Conf. Workshop on Gastroenterol. 1996; Invited Talk: Santa Fe.
Richards WO, Garrard CL, Allos SH, Bradshaw LA, Staton DJ, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Noninvasive diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia using a SQUID magnetometer. Annals of Surgery. 1995; 221((6)): 696-705.
Bradshaw LA, Garrard CL, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr. Magnetoenterography for detection of intestinal ischemia in rabbits. Proceedings of the 17th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1995; 17.
Staton DJ, Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive magnetic field recordings of gastric BER conduction velocity. Gastro. 1995; 108((4)): A693.
Allos SH, Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive measurement of large bowel electrical activity. Gastro. 1995; 108((4)): A562.
Bradshaw LA. Measurement and Modeling of Gastrointestinal Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields. PhD Dissertation. 1995; Vanderbilt University.
Bradshaw LA, Wijesinghe RS, and Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatial filtering forward and inverse model of EEG and MEG. Proceedings of the 16th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1994; 16: 167-8.
Bradshaw LA, Garrard CL, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Transabdominal magnetic recordings of small bowel ischemia in anesthetized rabbits. Gastro. 1994; 107((4)): 1234.
Richards WO, Garrard CL, Allos SH, Bradshaw LA, Staton DJ, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Noninvasive measurement of electrical activity in acutely ischemic small bowel. Southern Surgical Society. 1994; (Abstract).
Bradshaw LA, Wijesinghe RS, and Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatial filtering model for comparison of the forward and inverse problems for the electroencephalogram and the magnetoencephalogram (Abstract). Ninth Interntional Biomagnetism Conference. 1993; 9.
Bradshaw LA, Wijesinghe RS, and Wikswo, JP, Jr. A spatial filtering model for comparison of the forward and inverse problems for EEG and MEG. 23rd Ann. Meeting of the Soc. for Neuroscience. 1993; (Abstract).
Bradshaw LA. Particle Physics, the Universe, and God. Abilene Christian University. 1990; Honors Thesis.
Scholz S, Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, Richards WO. Nichtinvasive Messung von Darmischamie mit dem SQUID magnetometer. Kongress der Deut. Gesell. fur Chir. 2002; (Abstract): Berlin, Germany.
Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, McDowell JG, Richards WO. Noninvasive identification of mechanical uncoupling of gastric smooth muscle using magnetogastrography. Gastro. 2002; 122((3)): A559.
McDowell JG, Myers AG, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Noninvasive detection of mesenteric ischemia using a Superconducting QUantum Interference Device. Gastro. 2002; 122((3)): A436.
Myers AG, McDowell JG, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Simultaneous magnetic identification of human gastrointestinal frequency gradients. Gastro. 2002; 122((3)): A325.
Roy OP, Myers AG, McDowell JG, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Measurement of DC injury currents using the SQUID magnetometer. Gastro. 2002; 122((3)): A438.
Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, Richards WO, Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatiotemporal dipole simulation of biomagnetic fields from gastrointestinal electrical activity. Proceedings of the 24th Annual IEEE EMBS. 2002; 24: CD-ROM.
Myers AG, Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Magnetic vector analysis of gastrointestinal electrical control activity. Proceedings of the 24th Annual IEEE EMBS. 2002; 24: CD-ROM.
Palmer RL, Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, McDowell JG, Richards WO. Use of magnetogastrogram for detecting gastric uncoupling in an animal model. 12th Biennial Meeting of Am. Motil. Soc. 2002; 12.
Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. A dipole simulation of magnetic fields from intestinal electrical control activity. 12th Biennial Meeting of Am. Motil. Soc. 2002; 12.
Buist ML, Cheng LK, Yassi R, Smith NP, Bradshaw LA, Pullan AJ. An anatomically based model of the gastrointestinal tract for magnetic imaging. Proceedings of the 24th Annual IEEE EMBS. 2002; 24.
Bradshaw LA, Wijesinghe RS, and Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatial filtering approach for comparison of the forward and inverse problems of electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2001; 29: 214-26.
Bradshaw LA and Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatial filtering approach for evaluation of the surface Laplacian of electroencephalography and magnetoencephalgraphy. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2001; 29: 202-13.
Bradshaw LA, Richards WO, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Volume conductor effects on the spatial resolution of magnetic fields and electric potentials from gastrointestinal electrical activity. Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput. 2001; 39((1)): 35-43.
Bradshaw LA, Myers AG, and Richards WO. Spatiotemporal biomagnetic characterization of intestinal ischemia. XVIII Intl. Symp. Neurogastr. & Motil. 2001; (Abstract): Madison, WI.
Baffa O, Basile M, Bradshaw A, Forsman M, Nakaya Y, and Richards WO. Biomagnetic research in gastroenterology. In CJ Aine, Y Okada, G Stroink, SJ Swithenby, and CC Woods, Eds. Biomag 96: Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Biomagnetism. 2000; 10.
Bradshaw LA, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Magnetic field measurement of rabbit colonic electrical activity. In: CJ Aine, Y Okada, G Stroink, SJ Swithenby, and CC Wood. Biomag 96: Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Biomagnetism. 2000; II: 608-11.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr. Inverse imaging of distributed oscillatory activity. In: CJ Aine, Y Okada, G Stroink, SJ Swithenby, and CC Wood. Biomag 96: Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Biomagnetism. 2000; II: 635-7.
Staton DJ, Allos SH, Henry VK, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Richards WO, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Noninvasive measurement of the vector magnetic field from human gastrointestinal sources. In: CJ Aine, Y Okada, G Stroink, SJ Swithenby, and CC Wood. Biomag 96: Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Biomagnetism. 2000; II: 635-7.
Bradshaw LA, Redmond A, and Richards WO. Correlation of magnetic and electric detection of gastric electrical activity. Neurogastro. & Motil. 2000; 12((5)): 478.
Bradshaw LA, Redmond A, and Richards WO. Biomagnetic detection of gastric dysrhythmia associated with vagotomy. Neurogastro. & Motil. 2000; 12((5)): 478.
L. Alan Bradshaw, J. K. Ladipo, Daniel J. Staton, John P. Wikswo, Jr., and William O. Richards. The human vector magnetogastrogram and magnetoenterogram. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 1999; 46((8)): 959-70.
Seidel SA, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive detection of ischemic bowel. J. Vasc. Surg. 1999; 30((2)): 309-19.
Seidel SA, Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, and Richards WO. Intestinal tachyarrhythmias during small bowel ischemia. Am. J. Physiol. 1999; 277: G993-G999.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr. Vector or scalar magnetometer arrays?. Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE EMBS. 1999; 21: CD-ROM.
Bradshaw LA, Richards WO, and Wikswo JP, Jr. The gastric magnetic field vector. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 1999; 44((1, Part II)): 1798.
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Richards WO. Characterization of gastric electrical activity using a SQUID magnetometer. Gastro. 1999; 114((4, Part 2)): A963.
Hegde SS, Seidel SA, Bradshaw LA, Halter S, Ladipo JK, and Richards WO. Effects of mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion on small bowel electrical activity. J. Surg. Res. 1998; 74: 86-95.
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Haupt CD, Seidel SA, van Leeuwen P, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive measurement of gastric propagation using a multichannel SQUID magnetometer. Gastro. 1998; 114((4, Part 2)): A727.
Ladipo JK, Bradshaw LA, Hegde SS, Halter S, Seidel SA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive detection of normal and ischemic bowel in vivo using a SQUID. Gastro. 1998; 114((4, Part 2)): A389.
Ladipo JK, Seidel SA, Bradshaw LA, Halter S, Richards WO. Basic electrical rhythm (BER) as a measure of bowel viability during mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion. Gastro. 1998; 114((4, Part 2)): A1403.
Seidel SA, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Vector magnetogastrography: The gastric slow wave vector. Gastro. 1998; 114((4, Part 2)): A836.
Seidel SA, Ladipo JK, Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., Naslund TC, and Richards WO. Noninvasive detection of mesenteric ischemia in free-lying small bowel. Soc. Vasc. Surg. 1998; (Abstract).
Drake WB, Wikswo JP, Jr., Fish FA, Bradshaw LA, Mellon BG. Magnetocardiographic assessment of developmental changes in fetal cardiac intervals. Circulation. 1998; 98((17)).
Richards WO and Bradshaw LA. Detection of intestinal ischemia using SQUID magnetometer. Proc. of the Am. Soc. for Nondestr. Testing. 1998.
Richards WO, Wikswo JP, Jr., Staton D, Golzarian J, Bradshaw LA. Non-invasive identification of intestinal ischemia from measurement of basic electrical rhythm of intestinal smooth muscle electrical activity using a magnetometer. US Patent. 1998; No. 5,771,894: June 30.
Allos SH, Staton DJ, Brasdhaw LA, Halter S, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Superconducting QUantum Interference Device magnetometer for diagnosis of ischemia caused by mesenteric venous thrombosis. World J. Surg. 1997; 21: 173-8.
Bradshaw LA, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Correlation and comparison of magnetic and electric detection of small intestinal electrical activity. Am. J. Physiol. 1997; 272: G1159-G1167.
Bradshaw LA, Wells R, Paul S, Richards WO, and Wikswo, JP, Jr. Noninvasive measurement of gastric propagation using a SQUID magnetometer. Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1997; 19: CD-ROM.
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. The vector magnetic field of the human stomach and small bowel. Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1997; 19: CD-ROM.
Ladipo JK, Bradshaw LA, Hegde SS, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. In vivo detection of normal and pathological bowel electrical activity using a SQUID magnetometer. Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1997; 19: CD-ROM.
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Hegde SS, Just S, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. The vector magnetic field of the human stomach. Gastro. 1997; 112((4)): A704.
Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Richards WO. Effects of mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion on small bowel basic electrical rhythm. Assoc. VA Surgeons 21st Sci. Sympos. 1997; (Abstract).
Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Intestinal tachyarrhythmias during small bowel ischemia. Gastro. 1997; 112((4)): A368.
Ladipo JK, Halter S, Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Histopathologic correlation of intestinal basic electrical rhythm activity during ischemia. Assoc. VA Surgeons 21st Sci. Sympos. 1997; (Abstract).
Ladipo JK, Hegde SS, Halter S, Bradshaw LA, Richards WO. Correlation between histopathology and intestinal basic electrical rhythm during ischemia. Southern Medical Association. 1997; (Abstract).
Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, Richards WO, and Wikswo JP, Jr. The magnetic field of gastrointestinal smooth muscle activity. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 1997; 42((9)): 1799.
Hegde SS, Bradshaw LA, Ladipo JK, and Richards WO. Effects of mesenteric ischemia on small bowel basic electrical rhythm. Gastro. 1997; 112((4)): A1447.
Richards WO, Bradshaw LA, Garrard CL, Staton DJ, Golzarian J, Liu F, Buchanan S, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Magnetoenterography (MENG): Non-invasive measurement of bioelectric activity in human small intestine. Dig. Dis. Sci. 1996; 41((12)): 2293-301.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. A 2-D spatio-temporal model for external magnetic fields from gastrointestinal electrical activity. Dig. Dis. Sci. 1996; 41((9)): 1884.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. A comparison of the effects of abdominal layers on external electric potentials and magnetic fields from gastrointestinal sources. Dig. Dis. Sci. 1996; 41((9)): 1884.
Bradshaw LA, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. The effect of abdominal layers on electric and magnetic fields from gastrointestinal electrical activity. Gastro. 1996; 110((4)): A640.
Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. The effect of abominal layers on electric and magnetic fields from gastrointestinal electrical activity: Computer simulations. Gastro. 1996; 110((4)): A639.
Ladipo JK, Bradshaw LA, Staton DJ, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. First noninvasive measurement of human gastrointestinal electrical sources using a vector SQUID magnetometer. Gastro. 1996; 110((4)): A641.
Bradshaw LA. Sources of gastrointestinal biomagnetic fields: a modeling perspective. 10th Intl. Biomag. Conf. Workshop on Gastroenterol. 1996; Invited Talk: Santa Fe.
Richards WO, Garrard CL, Allos SH, Bradshaw LA, Staton DJ, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Noninvasive diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia using a SQUID magnetometer. Annals of Surgery. 1995; 221((6)): 696-705.
Bradshaw LA, Garrard CL, Allos SH, Wikswo JP, Jr. Magnetoenterography for detection of intestinal ischemia in rabbits. Proceedings of the 17th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1995; 17.
Staton DJ, Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive magnetic field recordings of gastric BER conduction velocity. Gastro. 1995; 108((4)): A693.
Allos SH, Bradshaw LA, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Noninvasive measurement of large bowel electrical activity. Gastro. 1995; 108((4)): A562.
Bradshaw LA. Measurement and Modeling of Gastrointestinal Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields. PhD Dissertation. 1995; Vanderbilt University.
Bradshaw LA, Wijesinghe RS, and Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatial filtering forward and inverse model of EEG and MEG. Proceedings of the 16th Annual IEEE EMBS. 1994; 16: 167-8.
Bradshaw LA, Garrard CL, Wikswo JP, Jr., and Richards WO. Transabdominal magnetic recordings of small bowel ischemia in anesthetized rabbits. Gastro. 1994; 107((4)): 1234.
Richards WO, Garrard CL, Allos SH, Bradshaw LA, Staton DJ, and Wikswo JP, Jr. Noninvasive measurement of electrical activity in acutely ischemic small bowel. Southern Surgical Society. 1994; (Abstract).
Bradshaw LA, Wijesinghe RS, and Wikswo JP, Jr. A spatial filtering model for comparison of the forward and inverse problems for the electroencephalogram and the magnetoencephalogram (Abstract). Ninth Interntional Biomagnetism Conference. 1993; 9.
Bradshaw LA, Wijesinghe RS, and Wikswo, JP, Jr. A spatial filtering model for comparison of the forward and inverse problems for EEG and MEG. 23rd Ann. Meeting of the Soc. for Neuroscience. 1993; (Abstract).
Bradshaw LA. Particle Physics, the Universe, and God. Abilene Christian University. 1990; Honors Thesis.
Available Postdoctoral Position Details
Posted: 3/25/2010
Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center invite applications for a postdoctoral position in the Department of Surgery, in a collaborative effort with the Vanderbilt Institute of Integrative Biomedical Research and Education, to develop novel techniques for recording and characterizing the magnetogastrogram and magnetoenterogram (biomagnetic fields of the stom¬ach and small bowel). The Vanderbilt University GastroIntestinal SQUID Technology (VU-GIST) Laboratory, a joint effort between Vanderbilt’s Departments of Surgery, Physics and Biomedical Engineering, has produced award-winning research at the boundary of medicine, physics and bioengineering. A recent PhD in physics or biomedical engineering is required. Experience in signal conditioning and processing and/or cryogenic tech¬niques related to SQUID magnetometers is desired. Experience with MATLAB and LabVIEW is also preferred. The successful candidate will be involved in all phases of research from experiment planning and conduct to data collection and analysis and publication. Salary commensurate with experience. Contact: Dr. Alan Bradshaw, Box 1807 Station B, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235. TEL (615) 322-2828, FAX (615) 322-4977. E-mail: alan.bradshaw@vanderbilt.edu.
Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center invite applications for a postdoctoral position in the Department of Surgery, in a collaborative effort with the Vanderbilt Institute of Integrative Biomedical Research and Education, to develop novel techniques for recording and characterizing the magnetogastrogram and magnetoenterogram (biomagnetic fields of the stom¬ach and small bowel). The Vanderbilt University GastroIntestinal SQUID Technology (VU-GIST) Laboratory, a joint effort between Vanderbilt’s Departments of Surgery, Physics and Biomedical Engineering, has produced award-winning research at the boundary of medicine, physics and bioengineering. A recent PhD in physics or biomedical engineering is required. Experience in signal conditioning and processing and/or cryogenic tech¬niques related to SQUID magnetometers is desired. Experience with MATLAB and LabVIEW is also preferred. The successful candidate will be involved in all phases of research from experiment planning and conduct to data collection and analysis and publication. Salary commensurate with experience. Contact: Dr. Alan Bradshaw, Box 1807 Station B, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235. TEL (615) 322-2828, FAX (615) 322-4977. E-mail: alan.bradshaw@vanderbilt.edu.