Faculty Appointments
Professor of Clinical Neurology
M.B.A., University of Memphis, Memphis, TennesseeM.D., University of Tennessee Center for Health Science, Memphis, TennesseeB.A., Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Office Address
2100 Pierce Avenue
Nashville, VA 37232-5400
Nashville, VA 37232-5400
Research Description
Stroke research including areas of epidemiologic interest involving ethnic and geographic differentials in stroke. Clinical trials in acute stroke and stroke prevention. Working with model of intracerebral hemorrhage in the swine to evaluate treatments for preventing early hemorrhage expansion and cerebral protective agents. Clinical studies of coagulation disorders in intracerebral hemorrhage.
Research Keywords
Neuroscience with special interest in stroke including stroke epidemiology and intracerebral hemorrhage
Clinical Research Keywords
General Neurology; Neuromuscular disease; Stroke acute care and prevention.